The coast of Montenegro is stunning with high mountains meeting the beach and sea. One my last trip, I noticed what looked like kites flying high above. With further inspection I found that they were actually paragliders!
I never tried paragliding before but I was always curious. There are several companies that take people up and trips can be organized on fairly short notice. I contacted and went with Budva Paragliding, convincing my family to join. After some initial nervousness, we were all set for paragliding in Montenegro!
We were told over the phone to bring sunglasses and closed toe shoes. Then we met in the morning at the Hotel Splendid parking lot.
Soon enough some guys pulled up in an 80s Mercedes to drive us up the mountain. They were friendly and most spoke English. As we drove up the mountain the views became ever more impressive as well as the height. The excitement and fear also started to build as you reach the jumping point. They had some issues from the recent forest fires but luckily the wind and conditions were perfect.
We got a briefing on how to take off and how to land but it was all quite simple. Run, pull your legs up and once airborne, sit back. Legs down or up depending on the landing and weight etc.

I was still processing the information while they strapped me in to my protective harness and helmet. Next thing I know we are running, the sail is pulling on us and we go off the cliff edge…
Flying. We were flying or as close as I ever got to flying. What started as a serious rush transformed into a zen like calm as we floated in the sky.
My instructor spun us in the rising hot air to propel us to further heights. I was in awe of the view and peacefulness. Just you, a guy strapped to your back and the world under your feet. I had a chance to take some pics and video too but be careful you don’t drop your phone/camera. I do suggest bringing a cord to attach your item to your wrist.
The 20 min ride seemed a lot longer but we soon drifted back to the earth. On the way down the instructor asked if I wanted to try some tricks. Yeah I do! We took some crazy spins and turns in which you could feel the G-force pushing you into your harness.
We had a very smooth landing and that was it.
From the ground I watched the rest of my group do their jumps. Everyone had a blast.
If you happen to be in Budva and you have good weather for the week, take the jump! It’s an experience you’ll never forget!