Tag Archives: swakopmund

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Swakopmund on the Skeleton Coast

Visiting the main sights of Swakopmund and exploring the Skeleton Coast on The South of Africa Tour where I visit 13 new countries. The fourth largest city in Namibia was started in 1892 as a German harbor. Eventually the British took over and transferred the harbor activities to Walvis Bay. The town then started to … Continue reading Swakopmund on the Skeleton Coast

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Experience: Swakopmund Hotel and Entertainment Centre, Namibia

A review of the Swakopmund Hotel and Entertainment Centre in Swakopmund, Namibia on the trip The South of Africa Tour. Highlights Historic building and site in Swakopmund. Unique dining experiences. Casino and Cinemas. Located near sea and desert in center of town. Background The Swakopmund Hotel and Entertainment Centre is in the unique town of … Continue reading Experience: Swakopmund Hotel and Entertainment Centre, Namibia